Tender For supply of liaison light check 12 , liaison syringe , liaison pipetior needle , liaison washer needle , liaison cassette, pump suction reagent area , liaison module , liaison t3 in place of thyroid elisa 100 test kit , liaison t4 in place of thyroid in place of elisa 100 test kit , liaison tsh in place of thyroid 100 test kit , liaison xl hcg 100 test kit
Tender For supply of dglp re 27 - wheel wool polishing large , brush bristle mounted small cup shaped for shp box of 12 , brush bristle mounted small cup shaped for right angle hand piece box of 12 , polishing cup rubber mounted soft for rahp pkt of 12 , regenerative barrier membrane resorbable , regenerative collagen gel pfs of 1 cc resorbable , crown anchorage posts titanium oblique gold plate metal assorted size screw type with keys and matching reamers complete , broach nerve canal barbed assorted size pkt of 12 , flowable light cure composite kit complete of four syringed of 204 gm each with etchant and bonding , gutta percha points set of 02 boxes of size 15040 and 45080 box of 120 , set of six hand niti tapered files 31 mm length with corresponding gutta percha point and paper points complete kit , lining cavity composit cal hyd based photocure syringe of 2 to 5 gm with applicator tips , medicament root canal formocresol bott of 100 ml , sol sod hypochloride 2 percent for endodontic irrigation bott of 500 ml , matrix retainer ss ivory pattern band for pkt of 12 for molars and premolars , outfit matrix ss siqveland bands narrow for , points absorbent root canal assorted box of 6 tubes containing assorted sizes bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/6083825 dated/ + : 27-03-2025 bid document/ 3 3 1 / 18
Tender For supply of medical equipment - magills forceps small , magills forceps big , kidney tray large ss , kidney tray medium ss , kidney tray small ss , lumbar puncture tray , ambu bag paed , ambu bag neonate , sevoflurane vapouriser , mc coy blade with laryngoscope size 3and4 , fluid in line warmer , oxygen valve set , oxygen concentrator , laryngeal mask airway size 2 reusable , laryngeal mask airway size 3 reusable , laryngeal mask airway size 4 reusable , bin small , bin medium , oxygen flow meter , shadow less lamp , endotracheal tube , multipurpose trolley ss large , multipurpose trolley ss medium , fogging machine , amalgamator unit , carver , burnisor , dental curette , dental probe straight and curved , dental elevator kit , dental air compresor , sacling unit ultra sonic dental scaler , amalgam carrier , mobile autodrain dental suction unit , ultrasonic scaler unit with tips , clinical dental micro motor unit , clinical dental micro motor straight contrangle hand piece , clinical dental micro motor straight hand piece , air roter dental hand piece push button type , endo motor with apex locator , gic restorative material , dental endo files and reamers 25 mm , dental portable x ray machine , mouth mirror , composite filling instrument kit , mouth mirror probe , hand protapers 21 mm , radiofrequency machine , microdermabrasion machine , dermaroller single use , cryocan 3.5 litres , cryo gun , antral back biting forceps , antral ball probe double ended , aural foreign body forceps , aural speculum , austian retractor , blaskesley nasal forcep straight , blaskesley nasal forceps 45 degree upturned , blaskesley nasal forceps 90 degree upturned , farabeuf periosteal elevators ent , indirect laryngoscope mirror small , indirect laryngoscope mirror large , myringotomy set , luc nasal turbinate forceps small , metal ear syringe , tympanoplasty set , dcr set , tracheostomy set , micro laryngeal scope set , tilley nasal forceps , endoscopy camera , suction septal elevator and stillet , led monitor , ent operating surgeon chair , ent head band with light , otoscope , nasal endoscope , tonsillectomy set , nasal foreign body hook , nasal polyp forceps , nasal speculum thudikem , tongue depressor big , tongue depressor small , septal elevator frees , wax hook , cataract instrument set , endoscopy stand ss with tv monitor , functional endoscopic sinus set , bone nibular medium , bone nibular small , bone rongeur forceps , cannulated drill bit 2.5 mm , cannulated drill bit 3.5 mm , cannulated drill bit 4 mm , cannulated screw driver 3.5 , cannulated screw driver 4.5 , drill bit 1 mm , drill bit 1.6 mm , drill bit 2.5 mm , drill bit 3.2 mm , drill bit 3.5 mm , drill bit 4 mm , periosteal elevators 10 mm , periosteal elevators 12 mm , periosteal elevators 20 mm , periosteal elevators 3 mm , periosteal elevators 6 mm , small fragment bone set , large fragment set , 4 mm 30 arthroscope , hemiorthroplasty set , nail removal set , big front kwire cutter , big side kwire cutter , bone curette , bone cutter large , bone file , bone marrow needle , bone nibular large , c clamp , chisel 12 mm , chisel 3 mm , chisel 6 mm , chisel 8 mm , cobbs elevator 16 mm , cobbs elevator 8 mm , osteotome curved 12 mm , osteotome curved 20 mm , osteotome curved 3 mm , osteotome curved 6 mm , osteotome curved 8 mm , osteotome straight 12 mm , osteotome straight 20 mm , osteotome straight 3 mm , osteotome straight 6 mm , osteotome straight 8 mm , periosteal elevators 10mm , listers pop cutting scissors , mallet 500grm , mallet 750grm , external fixator set large , homan retractor size 10 , homan retractor size 6 , homan retractor size 8 , nailing set , plate bender for 3.5 plate , ptate bender for 4.5 plate , plate bending press , plate holding forceps large , plate holding forceps medium , plate holding forceps small , pointed c clamp reduction forceps for proximal , pointed reduction forceps , pop spreader , screw driver 3.5mm , screw driver 4.5mm , tension band wi